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Friday, January 31, 2014

Agritourism Bill

General Assembly
“Earlier this week, the House approved HB 268, which expands various agritourism activities and additional value-added sale, preparation and processing opportunities. While a number of localities have successfully worked with agricultural operations to expand such opportunities while maintaining local authority, this bill creates a one size-fits-all land use policy regarding agricultural operations and creates inflexibility at the local level. It allows all “usual and customary” agritourism activities unless the activity causes substantial impact on the health, safety, or general welfare of the public, while putting restrictions on local tools such as special permits and exceptions that can be beneficial in assuring proper balance of activities among various land use types. On Thursday, the Senate Agriculture Committee followed suit by approved a nearly identical, substitute version of SB 51. It will be on the Senate floor for a vote next week.”

~Writes David Blount TJPDC Legislative Liaison

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