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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Hampton moves forward with eminent domain on 39 properties, if necessary

City of Hampton:
“The city is giving 39 properties owners an ultimatum: Willingly sell a portion of your land or we'll take it at a price you have little control over. The City Council agreed Wednesday evening to allow city attorneys to begin eminent domain proceedings on 39 property owners whose land is needed to widen Saunders Road from Big Bethel Road to the Newport News city line if negotiations with the owners break down.

City Manager Mary Bunting said the city is still negotiating with many of the 39 property owners. If talks deteriorate, the city will be able to use eminent domain to take the land at a price deemed fair by an independent appraiser. The last chance property owners have to continue talks will likely be in spring 2015.

The city is razing homes on some of the properties it has already acquired, Deputy Public Works Director Lynn Allsbrook said.”
~Writes Robert Brauchle of the Daily Press

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