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Friday, January 24, 2014

Extension of Water Street will include trees and other amenities

City of Charlottesville
“Growing trees and improving the environment are important enough to be included in the City Council’s vision statement. Yet new housing developments create challenges for the city’s vision of ‘a community with a vibrant urban forest, tree‐lined streets and lush green neighborhoods.’ At its meeting earlier this week, the council appeared to find a win-win, thanks to engaged residents and a willing developer…

The council unanimously approved a $356,525 streetscape plan for Water Street Extended that will now include more than 100 trees, bike-friendly tree grates and 17 parking spaces. The street and a pedestrian trail will extend toward the location of the Beer Run restaurant along the railroad tracks and near the coal tower.

A member of the city’s tree commission initially discovered the plan’s lack of street trees. The matter was then brought to the attention of the PLACE Design task force.”
~Writes Effie Nicholaou of Charlottesville Tomorrow

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