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Monday, January 13, 2014

Rt. 3 group sharpening charette approach

Orange County
“Last week, Route 3 steering committee members further defined their vision for the upcoming charette which will clarify the county vision for upcoming economic development in eastern Orange County.
A charette, as discussed in November during a joint meeting of supervisors, planning commission and Economic Development Authority (EDA) members, is a collaborative planning process that utilizes the talents and expertise of interested parties to create and support a vision or direction that represents significant community change. In addition to representatives from the three boards, the charette will also bring together key stakeholders such as chamber of commerce members, landowners, homeowners’ associations and more to work with a panel of experts to refine further the development vision for the Rt. 3 area.
Originally planned for February, the charette will now be held over two days in early March and will yield a big-picture, high-level view of the vision for Rt. 3.”
~Writes Gracie Hart Brooks of the Star Exponent

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