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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Stafford planners endorse lower proffers

Stafford County:
“New proffer guidelines that lower the amount of money developers would pay Stafford County are on their way to the Board of Supervisors for review. The county Planning Commission approved the revised guidelines last Wednesday. The action by the planners is a recommendation, and supervisors have the final word…

The Planning Commission met on the guidelines on Feb. 26 but deferred action to Wednesday’s meeting in order for the commission and the Fredericksburg Area Builders Association to hash out the details about how the proffers are calculated and other technical issues. The new guidelines also clear up some mathematical errors in the Feb. 26 proposal.

During the two-week deferral, the two groups discovered errors and had to recalculate and reduce the maximum proposed proffer cash guidelines.”
~ Reports Jessica Koers of The Free Lance–Star

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