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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Construction Tour of Tysons Tower Office Building at Tysons Corner Center

APA Virginia, Northern Virginia Section:
The NoVa Section is excited to offer an insight into one of Tysons Corner’s largest redevelopment projects. The session will include an overview of Phase 1 of the Tysons Corner Center’s extensive rezoning approval and the permitting and construction processes currently being undertaken for Phase 1, including its landmark ‘Tysons Tower’ office building.  The presentation will be followed by a tour of the Tysons Tower office building construction project. 

Tysons Corner Center’s Phase 1 redevelopment was planned for the arrival of the Metrorail’s Silver Line to Tysons Corner.  It will be served by the ‘Tysons Corner’ Metrorail Station. The presentation and tour will take place at the Tysons Corner Center, Tysons Corner.

There are limited spaces available for this event – please RSVP promptly. Detailed directions will be provided to those registered to attend.

RSVP to by noon on April 11th.

Event Info:
Construction Tour of Tysons Tower Office Building at Tysons Corner Center
Tuesday, April 15th
9:00 am - 10:30 am – Light breakfast will be provided

Possible 1.5 CM Credit

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