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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Port Royal establishes town manager position

Town of Port Royal:
“The Town of Port Royal is looking to hire a part-time town manager. Town Council established the position at its April 15 meeting and decided the starting salary would be $600 per month. The position description will be posted at the Port Royal Post Office, though Council members do have a candidate in mind from their own ranks—Vice Mayor Bill Wick.

Wick would have to resign from Council if he formally seeks the position. He’s already been fulfilling some of the potential duties. The town manager’s responsibilities would resemble those of Bowling Green’s town manager.

Typically, a town manager is hired by the locality’s town council and serves as the administrative head of the town government. He or she handles the town’s day-to-day business between council meetings. Port Royal’s mayor has been serving those functions and acting as the main point of contact for the town.”
~ Writes The Caroline Press

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