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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Stafford airport authority pushes 'smart development'

Stafford County:
“Oakenwold was on the agenda at the Stafford Regional Airport Authority meeting Tuesday morning following the authority’s joint meeting with the Stafford Planning Commission on April 2. ‘The airport is not against development,’ Stafford Regional Airport Authority chairman Henry Scharpenberg said. ‘We’re interested in smart development.’

He felt that the authority’s stance on the issue had been sometimes misinterpreted and sought to set the record straight. The authority will be preparing a set of guidelines for development of the property surrounding the airport which they hope will be a boilerplate for a subcommittee review comprised of Authority and Planning Commission members. Authority member T. Campbell felt it important to stress ‘safety and quality of life’ in formulating the guidelines.

Though the Stafford County Board of Supervisors will eventually ask for a comparison of the impact on revenue between commercial/industrial and residential development, Scharpenberg said, comparing the two was like comparing ‘apples and oranges.’”
~ Writes Jim Lawrence of the Stafford County Sun

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