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Monday, June 16, 2014

SAW MPO Tours Crozet Tunnel

Nelson County: 
“The Policy Board of the Staunton-Augusta-Waynesboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (SAW MPO) and invited guests were given a presentation and tour of the Crozet Tunnel after their May 7th meeting.   The presentation was made by Nelson County Supervisor and Blue Ridge Tunnel Foundation President, Allen Hale.  Mr. Hale's presentation focused on the history of the Tunnel and the status of the project to restore the Tunnel as a rails-to-trail project connecting the Piedmont in Nelson County to the Shenandoah Valley in Augusta County near Waynesboro.  The Tunnel was built in the 1850's under the direction of French engineer, Claudius Crozet, and abandoned in the 1940's when a new, more modern tunnel was built to accommodate larger trains.  To learn more about the Crozet Tunnel and efforts to restore the Tunnel, please go to the Blue Ridge Tunnel Foundation website at   The Tunnel is not open to the public at this time.”

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