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Monday, December 23, 2013

Town aims to assure the newly annexed

Town of Clarksville
“On Jan. 1, at midnight, Clarksville’s long annexation battle will finally come to an end with nearly 650 acres of land and approximately 92 people getting swept up in the town’s expanded boundaries. Hoping to quell the anxieties of Clarksville’s newest businesses and homeowners, Town Manager Jeff Jones has drawn up a plan to make the transition ‘as seamless as possible.’

A few of the benefits accruing to the new residents and businesses are trash and leaf pickup, reduced water and sewer rates, and town police protection. Foremost, Jones told members of Clarksville’s Town Council at its December meeting, is the need to communicate. To that end, he prepared letters notifying residents and businesses about the changes to come.”
~Writes Susan Kyte of the Mecklenburg Sun

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