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Monday, December 9, 2013

UPDATE: JLUS Meeting Postponed to Dec. 16

“Living near a military base can be beneficial to local businesses and other organizations. The base population and those who work at the facility pump money into the local economy by shopping at nearby stores and buying homes near the base. Local governments also benefit from the taxes they reap from the increased population.

There are downsides, of course.  Increased traffic can make a simple drive to the store a long ordeal. And the frequent training sessions that rattle windows can be more than irritating.

The Joint Land Use Study group was formed to establish better communications between Quantico Marine Corps base and the adjoining counties, Stafford, Prince William and Fauquier. JLUS has held several meetings with the public to date for the purpose of gathering input on how best to enhance the relationship between the surrounding communities and the base, Cathy L. Vollbrecht, StaffordCounty director of communications, said.”
~Writes Jim Lawrence of the Stafford County Sun

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