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Thursday, January 16, 2014

City Council appropriates grant for Commonwealth Machinery building

City of Danville
“Danville City Council voted unanimously Tuesday night to appropriate a $230,830 grant to assist with stabilizing and making external cosmetic improvements to the Commonwealth Machinery building in the River District.

The money comes from the Virginia Tobacco Commission. The Danville Office of Economic Development applied for the money after the Danville Industrial Development Authority purchased the building in 2013. The building is located on Loyal Street. At this time, the economic development staff does not anticipate using additional city funds for improvements

Jim Watlington owned the building and operated a machine shop there for a number of years. He retired in 2013, selling the business and equipment to Hybrid Vehicles. The company leases the building on Loyal Street for the Commonwealth Machinery operation.”
~City of Danville

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