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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Council wants marketing strategy to attract developers

Town of Appomattox
“Appomattox Town Council should create a market strategy to attract developers, suggests consultants who conducted a study. The end goal is to attract a developer that would set up a nationally recognized retail establishment or hotel in Appomattox.

At council’s Monday night meeting, Interim Town Manager Bill Gillespie reviewed information generated from a $44,500 study that was conducted by consultants from St. Louis based firm Peckham, Guyton, Albers and Viets, Inc. Last summer, firm consultants John Brancaglione and Joseph Decpida presented to council their preliminary findings.

Data from the feasibility market study revealed that Appomattox did not possess the qualities that would attract a top-tier tourism retail or hospitality developer, but a developer could be pursued if the area was marketed as a region.”
~Writes Stephanie A. James of the Times-Virginian

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