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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Johnson sees shining future for city in 2014

City of Petersburg
“City Manager William E. Johnson III said that there's a lot in store for the city of Petersburg in 2014 that will be for the better. ‘When I got here, I said that Petersburg is a diamond in the rough,’ Johnson said recently. ‘We're going to keep polishing it.’ Part of that plan for the year includes: selling more properties that the city currently owns; transformation at the critical Interstate 95 exit 52 interchange; and more development within the city - including the potential development of the former Trailways Station. Johnson estimates that the city owns currently about 250 properties. He said that since he's been here, the number has already decreased from 350 when he became city manager in 2011…

Additionally, Johnson added that the city is working toward revitalization of the I-95 exit 52 interchange. ‘That's been a priority since I got here,’ Johnson said adding that City Council has wanted to see improvement to that area since before he started. Most recently, the vision has taken the form of the demolition of the former Holiday Inn on the east side of the interstate.”
~Writes F.M. Wiggins of Progress-Index

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