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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Historical Society Program to Look at Destruction of Queen City

Arlington County:
“The Arlington Historical Society will present ‘Eminent Domain Destroys a Community: Leveling Queen City for the Pentagon’ on Thursday, Feb. 13 at 7 p.m. at Central Library. Speaker Nancy Perry will discuss the federal government’s use of eminent-domain powers to displace more than 900 residents of the African-American community of Queen City in 1942. The government took 27 acres of land to build a road network around the Pentagon, which was then under construction.

Perry’s dissertation work at George Mason University focused on the influence that geography had on the lives of black residents of Arlington during the segregation period. Her Feb. 13 presentation is a continuation of her dissertation research. The program, which will include a question-and-answer session, is free and open to the public.”
~Writes the Sun Gazette

For information, see the Web site at

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