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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Richmond Council votes to support funding for Shockoe slavery sites

City of Richmond:
“The Richmond City Council voted unanimously Monday night to signal its commitment to putting up $5 million in local funding to commemorate slave-history sites in Shockoe Bottom regardless of whether a baseball stadium is built nearby. Mayor Dwight C. Jones also introduced a modified version of the resolution seeking support for his larger redevelopment plan for the Bottom. The language in the new resolution, which was introduced in time for consideration at the council’s Feb. 24 meeting, seeks council support for ‘further negotiations’ in connection with the plan rather than asking approval for the project itself.

The expedited resolution on the funding for slavery projects, co-patroned by all nine council members, was intended to indicate the city’s willingness to meet the conditions for $11 million in proposed state funding for the projects. That funding, proposed by then-Gov. Bob McDonnell, is currently under consideration by the General Assembly.”
~Writes Graham Moomaw of the Richmond Times-Dispatch

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