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Sunday, March 9, 2014

Riverfront Park Project

City Fredericksburg:
“The City of Fredericksburg has initiated efforts to design and construct the new Riverfront Park, which will be a significant new public space in downtown Fredericksburg. In 2011, the City of Fredericksburg acquired the former Masonic Lodge riverfront property at 609 Sophia Street. This acquisition increased the amount of contiguous City-owned land along the riverfront and creates new opportunities for a beautiful outdoor amenity and attraction along the banks of the Rappahannock River. The City has established a Riverfront Task Force to guide the design process from an initial park vision to preliminary design options to final concept design…

The public is invited to attend two public open houses in March 2014 and late April/early May 2014 to learn about the status of the design process, brainstorm ideas for the park, and provide input on initial Riverfront Park design concepts. It is anticipated that a Final Concept Design will be completed by August 2014.”
~City of Fredericksburg

Click here to learn more

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