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Thursday, March 6, 2014

Work Beginning on Ashby Pond Trail

Fairfax County:
“It’s full speed ahead for the construction of the Ashby Pond Park Trail. Work was set to begin Monday, March 3, with construction expected to last approximately 90 days, until May 31. The park will be closed during construction and, weather permitting, should be open again in June.

The Fairfax City Council on Jan. 14 approved the funding and contract to construct a trail around Ashby Pond’s circumference. The work also includes improving the parking space for two cars and developing an ADA-accessible route from the road and parking space to the pond.

The City bought this parkland in 2004 and, since then, the Council and Parks and Recreation Department have wanted to make it more usable for passive recreation. They asked the community what would be the best plan for this property, and this project will enable residents to better enjoy everything this park has to offer.”
~Writes Bonnie Hobbs of The Connection

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