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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Town Planning Commission Recommends Rezoning of 4 Properties Affected by Reversion

Town of Bedford
“This could be the last bit of action related to Bedford’s reversion to town status that will take place for some time. As part of that voluntary settlement agreement with Bedford County, the city agreed to temporarily classify properties brought into the town limits by applying the town zoning district most like the county zoning district in which the property was located prior to reversion. The agreement then called for the town to either affirm the zoning districts established or reclassify any parcels into different zoning districts, as council deemed appropriate.

As part of this effort, letters were sent to property owners within those areas brought into the town with reversion advising them of their right to request rezoning of their property. Last Thursday four of those requests came before the Bedford Planning Commission, which unanimously supported the requests. Council was scheduled to officially take action on the same requests at the Tuesday, Dec. 10 meeting. All costs associated with the requests were to be covered by the town.”
~Writes Tom Wilmoth of the Bedford Bulletin

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