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Friday, January 10, 2014

Community Development Block Grant How-to-Apply Workshops

Department of Housing and Community Development
The Department of Housing and Community Development will conduct two how-to-apply workshops for Community Improvement Grants under the CDBG program in Richmond and Abingdon. These workshops will review project options, funding availability, proposal formatting, submission requirements and the proposal evaluation methodology. Please register by Jan. 17, 2014.

Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2013
2-4 p.m.
Main Street Center, 12th Floor Conference Room
600 E. Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219

Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2013
10 a.m.-noon
Virginia Highlands Small Business Incubator 
851 French Moore, Jr. Blvd., Large Conference Room

Click here to Register
Click here for the 2014 Program Design

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