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Friday, January 10, 2014

Strasburg seeking downtown grant money

Town of Strasburg
“Strasburg can make a strong showing when it applies for the rest of a downtown revitalization grant, a state official said Thursday. A management team looking at how the town can use planning grant money from the state Department of Housing and Community Development met with an agency official Thursday. Representatives of various facets of Strasburg make up the team who heard from Doug Ellis, community development specialist for the agency. Ellis pointed out to the team of more than a dozen people that they had taken many of the steps needed to make a good application.

Much of the discussion at the meeting reiterated issues brought up at previous team sessions: how Strasburg can attract and keep businesses, use of amenities such as open space and initiatives already in place that help the town.”
~Writes Alex Bridges of the Nothern Virginia Daily

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